– In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic we have observed an incredible boost in the diffusion of configurations allowing people to work from home. Being able to quickly identifying vulnerabilities i… Tweeted by @TheHackersNews
New Ripple20 Flaws Put Billions of Internet-Connected Devices at Risk of Hacking – The Department of Homeland Security and CISA ICS-CERT today issued a critical security advisory warning about over a dozen newly discovered vulnerabilities affecting billions of Internet-connected de… Tweeted by @TheHackersNews
Spoiler Alert. Starting at the End. | JD Supra – Early in my career, I worked on an arbitration that challenged the effectiveness of a claims administration company. I sent our client’s expert witness five audits of the company, a fact I noted in t… Tweeted by @ComplexD
WebAuthn Passwordless Authentication Now Available for Atlassian Products – Atlassian solutions are widely used in the software development industry. Many teams practicing agile software development rely on these applications to manage their projects. Issue-tracking applicat… Tweeted by @TheHackersNews
Certification – ACEDS – The Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS) Certification responds to the need for professionals with diverse skills and knowledge across the e-discovery spectrum. It facilitates sound hiring practic… Tweeted by @acedsonline
Compliance WFH Benchmark Survey – Thank you for taking our survey! Once completed, we will send you the results overall, as well as your responses benchmarked against your peers. Stay healthy and safe! Tweeted by @acedsonline
Home or Away? New eDiscovery Collection Market Sizing and Pricing Considerations – Editor’s Note: Given the changing environmental and economic conditions based on the outbreak and impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), eDiscovery professionals are considering business … Tweeted by @acedsonline
Oracle E-Business Suite Flaws Let Hackers Hijack Business Operations – If your business operations and security of sensitive data rely on Oracle’s E-Business Suite (EBS), make sure you recently updated and are running the latest available version of the software. In a r… Tweeted by @TheHackersNews
‘Flight risk’ employees involved in 60% of insider cybersecurity incidents – Insider cybersecurity incidents? Check ‘flight-risk’ staff first Employees planning to leave their jobs are involved in 60% of insider cybersecurity incidents and data leaks, new research suggests. A… Tweeted by @ComplexD
Non-traditional Tools for Debugging and Profiling Your Application – Have you ever wondered how else you could debug an application? What tools could you use? Do we always need Visual Studio? And how does one investigate performance and memory leaks? Tune into this we… Tweeted by @RelativityHQ
Relativity Fest 2020 Goes Virtual – Over the last several months, we’ve prioritized the health and wellbeing of our employees and customers, and have been fortunate enough to be able to do that while still executing on our mission to o… Tweeted by @RelativityHQ
Machine learning using H2O – This post will be a quick introduction to using H2O through R. H2O is a platform for machine learning; it is distributed which means it can use all the cores in your computer offering parallelisation… Tweeted by @DataScienceFr
INSIGHT: Covid-19 and E-Discovery—Challenges With Remote Document Review – The Covid-19 pandemic has upended the usual operation of document reviews and scrambled settled expectations as to their conduct. Previously, teams of reviewers typically would work in office setting… Tweeted by @ComplexD
What a Simply Powerful UI Means for Law Firms – Editor’s Note: In May, we hosted focused webinars for each of our customer segments to provide a tailored preview of the new Aero UI and how it can better support their work. For those who missed the… Tweeted
Hack the Box: Monteverde Walkthrough – Today we’re going to solve Hack The Box’s “Monteverde” machine. This lab is of “medium” level, although you will see that it is quite simple. We start with a scan of the 5,000 main ports: After check… Tweeted
Four Immutable Laws of Data – I am often fascinated by the ways in which data is erroneously perceived, collected, stored, retrieved, and reported in organizations. Data of all kinds certainly have limitations. In any given situa… Tweeted by @cybersec_feeds
Working from Home — The New Threat Frontier – The Akamai Blog – According to our research, Akamai observed momentous internet traffic growth in March, which can be explained by new guidelines around social distancing and remote working during COVID-19. One of the… Tweeted by @Akamai
Learn Penetration Testing ($31.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time – We require that you verify your email address prior to updating your account. Simply click on the button below and we’ll send a quick note to your primary email address () confirming this request. Tweeted by @TheHackersNews
Black Hat USA 2020 – This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC’s registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England a… Tweeted by @SANSInstitute
A Bug in Facebook Messenger for Windows Could’ve Helped Malware Gain Persistence – Cybersecurity researchers at Reason Labs, the threat research arm of security solutions provider Reason Cybersecurity, today disclosed details of a vulnerability they recently discovered in the Faceb… Tweeted by @TheHackersNews